Hur påverkas marknadsföringen av det faktum att smarta telefoner är ”första skärm” för befolkningen i många länder? Men också att vi har fler skärmar än någonsin runt oss, att välja på och kombinera – 35 procent av skärmtiden är samtida användande av tv-skärmen och andra digitala skärmar.
I denna artikel från Millward Brown får vi det senaste inom forskningen:
The main principles for success across screens
A typical multiscreen user consumes 7 hours of screen media per day during a 5 hour period. In most countries, smartphones are now the primary screen, taking up 2.5 hours of time daily.
Smartphones and laptops dominate daytime screen use while TV takes centre stage in the evenings, when tablet use also peaks.
Just 35% of screen time is simultaneous use of TV and a digital device. Of this, just 14% is meshing (simultaneous use for related content). 22% is stacking (simultaneous use for unrelated content).
Therefore, the biggest multiscreen marketing opportunity is shifting (65% of screen time). Brands can take advantage of shifting by using synergistic multiscreen campaigns.
TV is generally more of a starting point and digital devices are generally used more to continue/complete tasks. Multiscreen sequences are most likely to start on TV and continue on a smartphone. However, all screen sequences are possible.
Receptivity is higher for TV than for ads on digital screens, but brands cannot rely TV ads alone. Consumers expect brands to be present on multiple devices and are impressed by those who find entertaining and useful ways of delivering across screens.
Different channels play different roles, both in terms of their effectiveness and implied messaging:
TV is unparalleled it its ability to generate reach (60%-90%) but when comparing the impact of media channels relative to levels of investments we see that TV fights often below its weight with share of investment outweighing share of impact.
Online Video is a low reach channel (10%-30%) that can however reach non-TV viewers. It is often more “lean-forward” and there is still a degree of novelty attached to video delivered online. This results in higher levels of attention and more processing of the content and consequently a different take-out from the ad. Online video provides therefore an opportunity to get more mileage out of video assets at an increased level of efficiency.
Online display ads, are not just a traffic driver but an efficient vehicle for brand impact and brand building. They can deliver incremental reach over TV and can be more cost efficient. The potential of mid-level reach and reasonable channel engagement delivered by enhanced targeting is however sometimes undermined by poor creative. – An assumption that the success of online display can be measured by clicks (behaviour) means that its role as a brand builder is often overlooked. Quality of content contributes however about 50-75% of total effect of Online displays.
Magazines are an effective, efficient brand builder. A low reach medium (15%-40%) but in general more cost efficient than TV. Magazines with well-considered creative and great targeting are good for reaching niche audiences. Use magazines to further develop core audiences with broader targets – they are low reach but effective.
Newspapers as a media channel function like magazines but less well targeted, however with higher reach; newspapers are a mid-reach channel (20% to 60%) and, in specific markets, newspapers are able to add significant incremental reach over TV. The ability to target with newspapers is variable. This means that ads may be more or less relevant; they may or may not be an interruption of content, but sometimes part of the offering; as a result, there can be a degree of advertising clutter in newspapers. – Use Newspapers to build brand associations either through long copy delivered to an interested audience or by borrowing equity from the title.
Out of Home is able to drive associations but performance varies widely. The role of outdoor is often confused. Is it brand building or prompting purchase? Does it rely on other media to set the context for the message to be delivered or shall it do so on its own? This confusion about roles can often mean that creative content is inadequate and many campaigns are just planned to deliver a proximity message to store. New thinking about campaign planning says however that it would be better planned to an audience rather than to store.
Point of Sale doesn’t just drive short-term sales, it can build brands! It could work even harder if the content was better aligned with the communications platform.
POS is such a good brand builder because it reaches the shopper when he is most engaged with the category. It may not be designed to build brand equity. – Conventional wisdom is that promotions undermine sales in the long-term by eroding brand equity (-2/5 of short-term sales uplift). But POS can be more impactful than TV (per person) if POS is well integrated with the overall brand campaign. New thinking about campaign planning is that we should start from the shelf back rather than a TVC. – Always plan with the consumer decision journey in mind.
For the perfect media portfolio mix, most global brands will still need to deploy media plans with a far heavier mobile emphasis than they do at present. This is increasingly the primary way to access many groups of people.
The main principles for success across screens are:
• Be Consistent – Whenever someone engages with you, whatever screen they’re using
and wherever they are, your brand experience and messaging should be uniform.
• Be Connected – Think about second-screen experiences, specifically how your marketing
can interact engagingly between screens and travel seamlessly across screens.
• Be Considered – Some screens are better than others at communicating particular
aspects of your brand’s personality.
• Be Concise – Use mobile-friendly, shareable content that entertains first, informs second.
If you are seeking for examples from marketers around the world who are successfully putting
these principles into practice, as well as the perspectives of industry experts, please click here to read the full report:
Youtube (28 min presentation):