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Analytics Training and Practical Data for CMOs
8 jun kl 09:00 – 12:00
Kursen kommer att hållas på engelska.
Practical Data and Analytics Training for Chief Marketing Officers
Kursledare: Mira Mäkiranta
With a strong digital background in data and leadership, Mira Mäkiranta has crafted her impressive career over 2 decades working for the likes of Taloustutkimus, Satama Interactive, and latterly at Quru Oy where she held the position of CEO. Mira has also worked as a Google Regional Trainer for Google Analytics. Now leading the analytics department for Nordic Morning’s Helsinki agency, Mira is working with a strong analytics team to deliver results for clients including SSAB and Vepsäläinen.
This course will cover:
This course will cover everything you, as a CMO or senior marketing leader, need to know about working with analytics today including practical tips for getting the best from your operational team, the KPIs you need to pay attention to and the emerging technologies you should adopt for your brand.
You will come away from this training feeling confident in the most important top level aspects of analytics you need to know. You will have a firm grasp of what your strategy must entail for you to remain competitive with your results and exactly how to lead your team in the right direction when it comes to future proofing a privacy-first strategy.
You will learn more about:
Making sense: Data strategy and online measurement plan
When building a data-driven marketing organisation, everything starts with good planning. You’ll learn what you need during your planning phase, where to start, how to involve stakeholders and what your objectives should be. We discuss IT systems and tools – but also how company goals, culture, and people play an important part too.
Making it happen: Implementation, integration and tools
This section covers considerations for how to make sure your data flows as planned and what your long-term roadmap could look like. You’ll also gauge which tools and roles are needed and your options for integrating one dataset into another.
Making it understandable: Data visualization
Good data visualization means good data usability. The better reports you have, the easier it is for your team to make sense of the data. We will go through different options and best practices for data visualization together so that you feel confident in your own reporting set up.
Making it useful: Data analysis and automation
Even a well-thought visualization does not guarantee a data-led decision being made. In this section you will learn real life examples on how data has been taken into use correctly, and how to encourage your team to use data more in their everyday lives.
Making it secure: Basics of Privacy and Consent Management
’GDPR’, ’ePrivacy’, ’consent management’ the buzz words need no introduction, but privacy and data security are continuing to play an important part. In this section, we will cover everything a CMO needs to know on a high-level about the current legislation and what it means in practice to work in practice.
Look into the future: What’s next?
How is the world of client data changing in the near future? What will happen to digital marketing when cookies are no longer in use? We will also take a look at the most recent features of Google Analytics online measurement tool: what is GA4, how and why to get started with server side tracking?
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Pris: 4.900 kr + moms för medlem (9.800 kr icke medlem)
Kursen sker live online och du kommer att få en länk till Google Meet
Dag: 8 juni
Tid: kl 09.00 – 12.00
Plats: Online
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